St Mary’s Church
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Church Road, North Woodchester, Glos GL5 5PD  (SO 840027)


About Us

We are a welcoming, friendly Church, enthusiastic about God, our faith and each other. All generations worship at St Mary’s and our congregation is a mix of people from many backgrounds and traditions. We have a rich mix of worship, ranging from Communion services with organ to informal services led by our Music Group. We encourage everyone to participate in ministry and to know and use the gifts God has given us to serve him. We want to serve God in his world and show our community that Jesus Christ is Good News for us all. At the heart of all that we do is the belief that God loves us and accepts us as we are.
St. Mary’s  has an evangelical tradition under the patronage of the Simeon’s Trustees and we aim to be rooted in Scripture and led by the Spirit. But more important than our traditions, is that in our hearts we are seeking to grow in the knowledge and love of God and become more like Jesus. This prayer of St Benedict sums up what we hope and pray for everyone who comes to St Mary’s.

Almighty God, give us wisdom to perceive you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate upon you, and a life to proclaim you, through the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.